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Welcome to the Blox Station 13 Wiki!

What is Blox Station 13?
Blox Station 13 is a roleplaying game set in space, where you are a crewmember upon a space station.
You're working on the shift where everything goes wrong, whether that be because of your own incompetent crew or something more sinister (like traitors and nuclear terrorists).
Your primary objective is to delay the station's inevitable destruction by doing your job, which is a lot harder than one may think.

Important Information

New to Blox Station 13? Take a look around here!

We have plenty of guides and information to help you get started with playing Blox Station 13!

Guide for Beginners

Blox Station Rules

Discord Rules

Current Staff

Current Administrators and Developers

These are the guys keeping the game safe and updated, say "Thank you Mr./Mrs. Staff!"

DarkDevXY (aka Ma02rc) - ₪ Owner